Popular Articles by David R. Henderson
Home Economics (Book Review) Review of Bill Bryson, “At Home: A Short History of Private Life,” Hoover Policy Review, Feb. 2011, No. 165.
Partly Right on the Crisis (Book Review) Review of Raghuram G. Rajan, “Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy” and Laurence J. Kotlikoff, “Jimmy Stewart is Dead: Ending the World’s Ongoing Financial Plague with Limited Purpose Banking,” Regulation, Winter 2010-2011, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 49-53.
The Conquest of the United States by Militant Islam The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty. December 2010.
Good on Taxes, Bad on Trade (Book Review) Review of Glenn Hubbard and Peter Navarro, “Seeds of Destruction,” Hoover Policy Review, December 2010, No. 164.
The Decline in Civil Liberties The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty. September 2010.
Forgotten Lines The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty. May 2010.
The Balance-of-Payments Deficit- Not to Worry The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty. January/February 2010.
Why Everyone Read Samuelson Wall Street Journal. December 14, 2009.
A Nobel for Practical Economics Wall Street Journal. October 12, 2009.
War Is Good for the Economy - Isn't It? Antiwar.com, March 6, 2006
Making Great Decisions in Business and Life Tech Central Station, March 1, 2006
I Don't Have to Fight You Antiwar.com, February 20, 2006
Why Libertarians Should be Critical of War Antiwar.com, February 9, 2006
Conversation with a US Military Officer Antiwar.com, January 23, 2006
Uncle Miltie's Ugly Fed Lesson Tech Central Station, January 26, 2006
Milton and David Friedman on Military Intervention Antiwar.com, January 9, 2006
Let's Keep Our Eyes on the Prize Antiwar.com, December 26, 2005
The Coming $100 Laptop Tragedy Tech Central Station, November 29, 2005
Adam Smith's Economic Case Against Imperialism Antiwar.com, November 28, 2005
Data Never Tell A Story; They Must Be Interpreted Tech Central Station, November 18, 2005
Is a Windfall Profits Tax a Good Idea? Tech Central Station, November 15, 2005
An Economist's Case Against an Interventionist Foreign Policy Antiwar.com, November 14, 2005
Who is 'We'? Antiwar.com, November 3, 2005
What Game Theory Can Tell Us About Terrorism Antiwar.com, October 17, 2005
Do Antitrust Laws Protect Consumers? Tech Central Station, August 2, 2005
Results Oriented Tech Central Station, June 20, 2005
The Social Security Trust Fund is Irrelevant (or How Al Gore Was Right) Tech Central Station, May 4, 2005
The PayPal Wars Tech Central Station, March 14, 2005
Clear Thinking About Vioxx - The risk is not what you think Reason Magazine, January 3, 2005
Grey Matter Tech Central Station, November 19, 2004
A Nobel Tiger In The Tail Wall Street Journal, October 12, 2004
Hidden Drug-Reimport Potential The Washington Times, February, 2004
The Reluctant Activist, or Not Only Can You Fight City Hall, You Can Actually Win lewrockwell.com, January, 2004
How a Law is Made- A Real-World Lesson in Civics lewrockwell.com, November 21, 2003
Supporting the Drug War Supports Terrorists Hoover Digest, May 20, 2003
Pigs At the Trough? Uncommon Knowledge - PBS, March 20, 2003
A Case for Not Invading Iraq The Independent Institute, January 28, 2003
Why A Canadian-U.S. Union is a Bad Idea CanadiansInTheUS.com, January 3, 2003
An Invasion Without Guns, And A Welcome One Wall Street Journal, December 12, 2002
Letter in Response to Al Quaeda's Fantasy Ideology Hoover Policy Review, December, 2002
Mr. White House Counsel, meet the Constitution San Francisco Chronicle, September 10, 2002
Iraq After Suddam Hussein National Public Radio, August 19, 2002
Drug War Supports Terrorists Charlotte Observer, May 7, 2002
What Part of 'No Law' Doesn't Congress Get? New York Post, March 20, 2002
What Part of “No Law” Doesn’t Congress Get? Hoover Digest, March 11, 2002
Should Uncle Sam Pay Victim Compensation to 9:11 Families? Christian Science Monitor, January 4, 2002
Organs For Sale? San Francisco Chronicle, December 28, 2001
The Economics of War San Francisco Chronicle, November 28, 2001
A Legal Trade San Francisco Chronicle, November 7, 2001
What The Nobel Economists Missed Wall Street Journal, October 14, 2001
Meet the Street- An Economist Argues Against Federal Bailouts The Street.com, October 10, 2001
Who Pays for the Patients' Bill of Rights? Hoover Digest, October 1, 2001
Free Trade and Sweatshops San Francisco Chronicle, June 2001
Two Good Reasons for a Tax Cut Hoover Digest, April 2, 2001
California Steamin' Hoover Digest, 2001
Famous First Bubbles (Book Review) Review of Peter Garber, “Famous First Bubbles,” The Milken Institute Review, Fall 2000
Make Money off my Sickness...Please Hoover Digest, August 2000
Save The Environment, and Get Rich (Book Review) Review of Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins, “Natural Capitalism,” Reason Magazine, July 2000
A Short History of Monopolies Red Herring Magazine, June 1, 2000
Of Price And Men Red Herring Magazine, June 1, 2000
What Clinton and Gore Don't Say Fortune Magazine, May 2000
The Feds, Not the Fed, Are the Problem Red Herring Magazine, April 1, 2000
Why Silicon Valley is Getting Political Red Herring Magazine, March 15, 2000
The Case for Sweatshops The Weekly Standard, February 2000
Does Growth Cause Inflation? Cato Policy Report, Nov/Dec 1999
How Booming Cannons Hurt Booming Economies Red Herring Magazine, November 1, 1999
Why The Government's Case Against Microsoft Never Held Water Red Herring Magazine, October 1999
Building A Global Mess Financial Post, August 1999
Patent Lather Red Herring Magazine, August 1, 1999
Perspectives On Gas Prices San Francisco Chronicle, July 23, 1999
The Information Economy Red Herring Magazine, June 1, 1999
Telecombat Red Herring Magazine, May 1, 1999
Research Stimuli Red Herring Magazine, April 1, 1999
Power Corrupts Barron's, April 1999
Filthy Lucre Is Good for the Soul (Book Review) Review of Tyler Cowen, “In Praise of Commercial Culture,” Fortune, April 1999
Government Greed (Book Review) Review of Amity Shlaes, “The Greedy Hand,” Reason Magazine, April, 1999
Global Warning Red Herring Magazine, March 1, 1999
Thank You, William H. Meckling Red Herring Magazine, January 1999
The Voice of Choice Red Herring Magazine, December 1, 1998
Celebrate Your Wealth Red Herring Magazine, November 1, 1998
Minimum Wage + $1 = More Poverty Fortune, October 1998
A Communications Service Red Herring Magazine, October 1, 1998
Rehabilitating the Supply Side Fortune, September 1998
How the Markets Beat Marx, Hands Down Fortune, August 1998
We Won! Fortune Magazine, August 3, 1998
The Case Against The Microsoft Suit Red Herring Magazine, August 1, 1998
Lucky Pair (Book Review) Review of Milton and Rose Friedman, “Two Lucky People,” Reason Magazine, August, 1998
The Entrepreneur as Moral Hero Red Herring Magazine, July 1, 1998
In Memoriam- Julian Simon Red Herring Magazine, June 1, 1998
In Memoriam- Yale Brozen The Freeman, a publication of The Foundation for Economic Education, Inc., June, 1998
Kiss the Emperor's Ring Red Herring Magazine, April 1, 1998
The Case Against Antitrust Fortune, April 1998
The Everyday Economics of Politics Everywhere Red Herring Magazine, March 1, 1998
How Distance Is Dying Fortune Magazine, March 1998
Risky Governments, Safe Markets Red Herring Magazine, February 1, 1998
When I Win the Lottery Red Herring Magazine, January 1, 1998
How Fares The American Worker? Hoover Digest, 1998 No 4.
Why Economic Sanctions Don’t Work Hoover Digest, 1998 No. 4
What's Not To Love About A Derivative? Fortune, December 1997
What Wasn't Making Stocks Boom Fortune, November 1997
Government- Don't Just Stand There, Undo Something Speech at Saint Vincent College, November 8, 1997
Kinder, Gentler, Recessions Red Herring Magazine, November 1, 1997
Day Care- Children vs. Government NCPA, November 1997
The Legal Assault on Competence and Honesty The Freeman, October, 1997
Why Our Cuba Policy Is Wrong Fortune, October 1997
How The Tax Bill Increases Taxes Fortune, September 1997
Fix Social Security? Why Not Abolish It? Fortune, September 1997
The Digital Economic Revolution Red Herring Magazine, September 1, 1997
The Rich – And Poor – Are Getting Richer Red Herring Magazine, August 1, 1997
Joe Camel- Brought To You By The FTC Fortune, July 1997
Reply To My Critics Red Herring Magazine, July 1, 1997
Making Known The Capitalist Ideal (Book Review) Review of George Reisman, “Capitalism,” IOS Journal, June 1, 1997
The Real Campaign Finance Problem Red Herring Magazine, June 1, 1997
Why You Can't Fire Anybody- The Invisible Foot Of Government (Book Review) Review of Walter Olson, “The Excuse Factory: How Employment Law is Paralyzing the American Workplace,” Fortune Magazine, June 1997
Letters and Response (Stemming from Boomer Blues) Reason Magazine, June, 1997
Do The Right Thing Red Herring Magazine, May 1, 1997
What Are Price Wars Good For? Absolutely Nothing. Fortune, May 1997
The Case For Microsoft Red Herring Magazine, April 1, 1997
The Latest Capitalist Manifesto Fortune, April 1997
Survival of the Fittest Red Herring Magazine, March 1, 1997
Four Facts About Taxes Red Herring Magazine, March 1, 1997
Two Bad Tax Cuts Fortune, March 1997
Boomer Blues (Book Review) Review of Peter G. Peterson, “Will America Grow Up Before It Grows Old?,” Reason Magazine, March, 1997
Is There a New Digital Economy of Ideas? Red Herring Magazine, February 1, 1997
Does Technology Create Jobs? Red Herring Magazine, January 1, 1997
Personal Savings Accounts Would Be Good For Everyday Workers AEI, January 1997
Was Lincoln The Father of Big Government? Department of Historical Revisionism Fortune, December 1996
No Case For Sweatshops Fortune (Letters to Fortune), December 1996
The Case For Sweatshops Fortune, October 1996
The Bleak Future of Social Security Fortune, September 1996
Why Flatter Taxes are Fairer Fortune, September 1996
The Squabble Over The Minimum Wage Fortune, July 1996
How I Found Myself Squirming Uncomfortably in Support of Tax-Funded Education Vouchers The Education Liberator, July 1996
The Sneak-Attack Tax On Seniors Fortune, March 1996
Fun and Games with Inflation Fortune, March 1996
The Real Budget Problem Fortune, October 1995
Antitrust Busters (Book Review) Review of Fred S. McChesney and William F. Shughart II, ”The Causes and Consequences of Antitrust: The Public Choice Perspective,” Reason Magazine, August 1995
The Case For Small Government Fortune, June 1995
Values Judgments (Book Review) Review of Gertrude Himmelfarb, “The De-moralization of Society: From Victorian Virtues to Modern Values,” Reason Magazine, June 1995
Coase Encounters (Book Review) Review of Ronald H. Coase, “Essays on Economics and Economists,” Reason Magazine, July 1994
Capitalism- An Olympic Winner The Freeman, July, 1992
Sorry Saddam, Oil Embargoes Don't Hurt U.S. Wall Street Journal, August 29, 1990
Sharing Shortages (Book Review) Review of George Horwich and David Leo Weimer, “Responding to International Oil Crises,” Regulation Magazine, January 1988
The Patriot Game (Book Review) Review of Peter Brimelow, “The Patriot Game,” Fortune Magazine, November 23, 1987
Economists and Reality (Book Review) Review of Arjo Klamer, “Conversations with Economists,” Fortune Magazine, July 9, 1984
An Appreciation of Jim Buchanan George Mason University
Copyright 2014-2017 David R. Henderson